Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Step

The first official step you will take in becomming a teacher is to get admitted to the College of Education. At Marshall University and at most schools this requires taking the Praxis I exam. Some students are exempted from this step bassed on their SAT/ACT scores. I however am not so lucky. The Praxis I is seperated into 3 parts, Reading, Writing, and Math. You need a Reading score of 174, a Math score of 172 and a Writing score of 172. There is an 8pt differeance in West Virginia's PPST scores compared to Virginia's PPST scores. I think that these scores should be unified so that no matter what college you go to in the US, the same scores are required. It would make transfering schools easier should you ever have to. The PPST is just a basic skills exam making sure you understand basic knowledge in thoes three main subject areas. SO what is West Virgina's standard for this set set below many other states such as Virginia?


Unknown said...

You are 100% correct on that one! I've heard that the seperate scores makes it difficult for teachers to move from one school to another.

JacquelineDeShea said...

I think the Praxis I will be easy to take just because I have heard from several other students and teachers it is basic knowledge from previous classes. I hope I pass it the first time! =)

Lindsey Dawn said...

I was completely unaware of that and I agree that it is not fair and should be a nation wide score for all states because none of know where we might end up teaching!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that there was an 8point differnce in the states. That was intresting

JohnFahn said...

Yeah that doesn't make sense. Just because you graduate from college in WV doesn't mean you'll teach there so why should they short change any schools by lowering their standards for potential teachers. Doesn't make sense...

Ryan McClintic said...

Yeah i agree fully with you as well, it should be the same throughout but thats the way it has been and i dont see them changing it... even though it would be a good idea for the points that you made.

Aaron Wellman said...

I was lucky enough to be exempt from the PPST so I didn't know this, but I find it ridiculous. The required scores should definitely be nationwide.

merritt45 said...

not to be rude, but i think the scores are lower because wv teachers do not know how to spell.

lauraashley88 said...

I don't know anything about the Praxis but I do agree that it should be nation wide.

Elizabeth said...

It should be the same everywhere, in every state, that would only make sense.

.:Kyra:. said...

Yeah I agree with you that it the scores should be the same in every state, I have every intention of staying WV but what if I don’t what’s happens then I’ll have to start over again :/

olivia. said...

I think West Virginia teachers should be held to the same standards as other places too. Our children deserve the same education as other states'. But, the thing is, other states can afford to pay their teachers more, and many teachers would not/ could not stay in WV if they can make more in other states where they are held to the same standards. It is sad though, and is probably a reason we are dead last in just about everything. : (

jewelia16 said...

hmm that is interesting...I wonder if that is the same standards for that second praxis we have to take?

Valkurion said...

It is a little strange that test scores are spread that much in the varying states. Though it doesn't surprise me there is a difference. There probably should be a slight difference in scores for the states, but only by one or two points between the highest and lowest.